This is my academic page which I update from time to time - research moves slowly. For a more complete and very up-to-date version of me, that also reflect my consulting, non-profit and industry activities, please check my LinkedIn profile or email me at camille[dot]morvan[at]gmail[dot]com for an updated version of my resume.
I am currently a postdoc at the Vision Sciences Laboratory at Harvard. In my work I use a combination of psychophysical experiments, physiological measurements and mathematical modelling to study decision making, visual perception, visual uncertainty, space constancy mechanisms and motor planning.
I am also interested in applying mathematical models of decision making to more applied fields of research, in particular organizational behavior, marketing and political science.
Amitai Shenhav and myself launched in 2011 the Harvard Decision Making Workshop, the first ever multidisciplinary workshop on decision making at Harvard. We were fortunate to have very high profile, brilliant speakers from economics, political science, business, psychology, social psychology and biology. Check out the page.
Find out more about my publications, citations
Contact info
Department of Psychology
Harvard University
33 Kirkland St.
Vision lab -- 710 William James Hall
Cambridge, MA, 02138
E-Mail: camille[dot]morvan[at]gmail[dot]com